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Crown’s People

An exhibition about the soldiers and defense of the Castle

Who were the soldiers, and where did they come from? What was their daily life like? Who else was essential to maintaining the castle’s defensive readiness? And what happened when news of a siege threat reached the castle?

The image that often springs to mind when thinking of castle soldiers involves gleaming armour and violent battles for control of the castle. However, the reality was often far calmer and more routine. In most cases, the castle’s defence relied on a very small group. That said, the most intense sieges sometimes culminated in weeks of relentless cannon fire.

From the Middle Ages to the early 1600s

The exhibition explores the lives of castle soldiers from the Middle Ages to the early 1600s. Moments from the castle’s history are brought to life as visitors encounter soldiers and other castle inhabitants during the exhibition. Dramatic videos depict a Scottish mercenary arriving at the castle, the gatekeeper keeping watch on Christmas, and the storehouse mistress’s anxieties during a siege.

The exhibition also features authentic equipment used by cavalrymen, foot soldiers, and officers, along with a variety of stabbing weapons, blunt weapons, and firearms. These artefacts, dating from the 1500s and 1600s, are part of the collections of the Turku City Museum.


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Opastettuja kierroksia Turun linnassa

Opastetuilla kierroksilla kuulet parhaita paloja Turun linnan monivaiheisesta ja mielenkiintoisesta historiasta! Turun linnassa järjestetään useita erilaisia opastuskierroksia. Tutustu kierroksiin sekä aikatauluihin!

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